Produk rekomendasi
Can I cancel or modify my order before it ships?
Once we receive your order, we start working on it right away! If you’d like to cancel or edit the shipping address on your order, please contact our WhatsApp (icon is on the right/left side of the page) as soon as possible and we’ll do our best to accommodate requests. Our customer experience team is available Monday-Friday 09.00 – 17.00 WIB & Saturday from 09.00 – 15.00 and requests made outside of business hours are not guaranteed.
While we are unable to modify the contents of orders, we are happy to assist with the return or exchange of any eligible items once you have received your order.
Can I add a gift message to my order?
Yes! If you’d like to include a message, click “Add a Gift Message” at the bottom of your shopping bag before checking out. Note that gift messages can not be added to orders after they are placed.